Category: News
Date published: March 06, 2024

Navigating the Whitefly Battle

A Step-by-Step Guide to Whitefly Control

Since the 1970s, the emergence of whiteflies (particularly the Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) and Tobacco/Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci )) has evolved into a menacing challenge. Escalating resistance to pesticides over time has compelled researchers to delve into multiple biological control methods to combat major infestations. This journey from conventional pesticide focused approaches towards biologically based IPM (Integrated Pest Management) strategies highlighted the need in many cases for a multi-pronged approach.

Whiteflies have a strong liking for various crops, including Tomato, Gerbera, Roses, Poinsettias, Eggplants, Peppers, Cucumbers and occasionally Cannabis. Predatory mites, parasitic wasps, entomopathogenic fungi and the use of sticky traps or tape are all important tools in the IPM strategy for these crops. They integrate diverse control mechanisms to target various stages of the whitefly life cycle.

Why do I need multiple BCA’s (Biological Control Agents) to control whiteflies? While chemicals often target multiple stages of a pest, most biocontrol measures are specific to certain stages only. This means multiple tools are needed to break the life cycle and reduce pest pressure.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the realm of whiteflies unveiling the most effective beneficial organisms, as various crops and whitefly species require different strategies of approach.

  • For example, predator mites do not work well on tomatoes due to higher amounts of plant resin, but they are powerful tools on most other crops.

Our aim is to provide you with invaluable insights by offering tips and tricks to optimize your pest management strategy.

Do You Even Have Whiteflies?


The first crucial step to a successful integrated pest management approach.

  • Utilize 10-50 sticky cards per hectare or 4 sticky cards per compartment, counting weekly.
  • Scout plants regularly, predicting trends from previous years for proactive treatment.
  • Introduce parasitoids upon the first sign of whiteflies on monitoring cards, repeating with weekly or bi-weekly applications until 80% parasitism.

Important: you will find the first whitefly on the sticky cards weeks or months before you find them in the crop. Placing out monitoring cards gives you more time to react to the initial infestation.


The accurate identification of your whitefly species is particularly important considering that Bemisia whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) demands a distinct control strategy compared to the Greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum).

  • This article “Harnessing the Power of Parasitic Wasps” delves deeper into the above point. It looks at the different control strategies, depending on the whitefly species you have identified.

Whiteflies undergo six developmental stages, with the first instar referred to as the crawler stage and the fourth larval stage considered the pupal stage.

Below are the differences between the Greenhouse Whitefly and the Bemisia Whitefly:

Greenhouse Whiteflies:

  • Lays eggs at the top of plants, eggs turn brown to black after a few days.
  • Fourth Instar (Pupa): Oval, white case with wax threads.
  • Adult: Larger, whiter, triangular appearance from above.

Bemisia (Tobacco/Silverleaf) Whiteflies:

  • Lay eggs all over the plants, eggs start off as yellowish green turning brown after a few days.
  • Fourth Instar (Pupa): Flat, transparent, or yellow with red-eyed adult visible.
  • Adult: Smaller, yellower, more elongated appearance from above, with a gap in the wing.

Whitefly Damage

Whiteflies can cause economic yield loss, both directly from damage to the plant, and indirectly because of a plant virus transmitted during feeding.

Plant damage can be broken down into four main types:

  1. Plant Sap Feeding – Whiteflies are phloem feeders, which means they feed directly from the plant tissue responsible for movement of photosynthates (the resulting product of photosynthesis) in the form of simple sugars such as sucrose. This type of feeding directly reduces plant growth and yield by stealing the energy the plant needs for development.
  2. Virus Transmission - Whiteflies, especially Bemisia, can transmit a host of viruses which can cause significant reduction in yield and quality. Bemisia is the primary vector for the Tomato Yellow Leaf-Curl Virus which is one of the most devastating viruses for a tomato crop. The Greenhouse Whitefly is a primary vector of Beet Pseudo Yellows Virus in greenhouse cucumber crops.
  3. Irregular Ripening – From nymphal feeding, Bemisia will cause a physiological disorder in plants. The fruits appear normal on the outside, but the internal tissue may be white, hard, and unripe.
  4. Honeydew – While feeding on the simple sugars, some are difficult to digest for whiteflies. So, instead, they secrete it in the form of honeydew which drops onto the leaves where they feed. The repercussions include:
    • Aesthetic Impact - The honeydew creates a visible sheen and stickiness on the surface of the plant and its fruit, diminishing the visual appeal of crops. Particularly, in ornamentals (poinsettias) and vegetables (tomato, eggplant or pepper).
    • Contamination – Anything and everything can stick to the honeydew, including the whiteflies themselves. This can cause contamination issues, especially in crops like Cannabis.
    • Black Sooty Mold – Will often appear as a secondary issue stemming from the honeydew being deposited on leaves which sooty mold utilizes as a food source, reducing the plant’s photosynthesis and transpiration.

The Multipronged Approach

Mass Trapping:

Hang 2,000 small cards/ha. Space the cards throughout the crop in a grid-style pattern or install yellow roller tape along each row. You are doing this to capture as many whitefly adults as possible. This will reduce egg laying and whitefly movement in your growing space.

  • Adjust the mass trapping rate for Bemisia. Utilize two tapes per row specifically for tomatoes and Bemisia. Place them strategically, positioning one between the crop and another above the plants' canopy.


In the intricate battle against whiteflies, parasitoids emerge as crucial allies, specializing in parasitizing whitefly larvae while also engaging in host feeding. Understanding their characteristics and strategic deployment is vital for effective biocontrol. Two key parasitoids, En-Strip (Encarsia formosa) and Ercal (Eretmocerus eremicus), play distinctive roles in this fight.

En-Strip (Encarsia formosa):

  • Identification: Adult females exhibit a distinctive black head and yellow abdomen. The rarely seen male is slightly larger and entirely black except for the clear wings.
  • Parasitism: Targets whitefly larvae in the L3-L4 stages, with a preference for host feeding on L2.
  • Egg Placement: Lays a single egg in each host larva.
  • Pupal Stage: Following parasitization, the pupa transitions to a black or brown color within 14-21 days (about 3 weeks).
  • Temperature Sensitivity: Effective at lower temperature ranges compared to E. eremicus.
  • Distribution: Randomly searches the crop for infestations.

Ercal (Eretmocerus eremicus):

  • Identification: Females are pale lemon yellow in color with green eyes and have clubbed antennae. The males have longer, elbowed antennae, and are yellowish brown in color.
  • Parasitism: Specializes in parasitizing L2/L3 whitefly larvae, also host feeds.
  • Egg Placement: Eggs are laid beneath the whitefly larvae, penetrating the fourth larval stage.
  • Life Cycle: Exhibits a shorter lifespan than E. formosa, but lays eggs more rapidly.
  • Temperature Sensitivity: Thrives in higher temperature ranges compared to E. formosa.

This article “Harnessing the Power of Parasitic Wasps” walks you through parasitism and host-feeding based control methods. Both of which are especially important depending on the type of whitefly species you have.

Predatory Mites:

Predatory mites, namely Limonica (Amblydromalus limonicus) and Swirski (Amblyseius swirskii), play a pivotal role (specifically in Poinsettia, Gerbera, and Cucumber crops) in combating whiteflies by targeting their eggs and larval stages.

Limonica (Amblydromalus limonicus):

  • Preferential Feeding: Targets whitefly eggs and larvae, with a preference for newly laid eggs.
  • Limitation: Not recommended for use in tomatoes due to the presence of leaf hairs.

Swirski (Amblyseius swirskii):

  • Preferential Feeding: Targets whitefly eggs and larvae, with a preference for newly laid eggs.
  • Limitation: Not recommended for use in tomatoes due to the presence of leaf hairs.